Wednesday, September 12, 2018

(Backup) [Auto-saved Post]

I love art journaling, I love how I can compartmentalise all the elements to create a page.
One day I can just use my paints, set out a small tarp on my floor and somewhere I can place 
what I have been working on and leave to dry. Another day I can concentrate on stencilling and
the next day on stamps, you get the idea? To complete one page you need to pull out a lot of 
stuff and by the time you have finished, your craft room looks like a demolition squad went

It is much easier to put away one type of media and clean up and start with another layer 
on the next day rather than deal with a gigantic mess at the end of one page. 
This way of doing things came about for me when I did a project based on Shannon Green’s 
journaling by 5s. It was something she did on her YouTube channel and it changed 
the way I approached art journaling.

This is a picture of those first tries...

These used scrapbook paper as backgrounds, then I matt gel mediumed all the collage pieces, then stamped and 
lastly added words etc. 
Much easy to clean up dealing with just one thing for a lot of pages, than cleaning up a lot of things for just one page.
To ease some congestion when working in your craft room and help with 
clean up, try it and let me know if you think it may work for you.

Here’s a couple of recent pages and I still work this way...